Conference days (Monday and Tuesday) take place in the Coeur des sciences de l’UQAM, at 200 Sherbrooke St. West.
Talks are given in the amphitheatre (Amphithéâtre), room SH-2800.
B-Side discussions and coffee breaks are held in the multipurpose room (Salle polyvalente), room SH-4800.
Salle polyvalente
Registration and morning coffee
Coffee, refreshments, and snacks
Socializing and networking
8 AM
Welcome address
9 AM
Eric Bégin
CEO, Solutions inLibro
Opening Keynote – Wikimedia: open projects in the age of AI
We will explore the growing impact of artificial intelligence on Wikimedia initiatives. We will also discuss how AI can enrich free contributions, improve the quality of information and facilitate access to knowledge. We will also address the ethical challenges of integrating AI into these collaborative projects, as well as the opportunities for enhancing diversity and inclusion in free content. Finally, we aim to demonstrate how librarians can play a key role in integrating these technologies, thereby strengthening access to open knowledge and the diversity of contributions.
(Presentation in French)
9:15 AM
Louis Germain
Executive Director, Wikimedia Canada

Salle polyvalente
Coffee Break
Coffee, refreshments, and snacks
Socializing and networking
10 AM
Preservation Module
This presentation aims to present the potential uses of the preservation module as well as the context which led to its development.
(Presentation in French)
10:30 AM
Amaury Gau
ILS Administrator, Bulac
Streamlining Borrower Requests: The Ultimate Guide to Koha Bookings
The ability to create bookings within Koha was introduced in the 23.11 release and has generated significant interest from libraries across all sectors.
This presentation explores how health libraries in the United Kingdom and a Public Library in the United States have leveraged the bookings functionality.
Additionally we will look at the upcoming enhancements planned for the 24.11 release which aim to extend the capabilities and usage of this feature, addressing the needs of libraries.
11 AM
Fiona Borthwick
Head of Sales and Account Management, PTFS Europe
Jessie Zairo
Director of Library Sales and Outreach, ByWater Solutions
Rebecca Ranallo
Literacy and Learning Director, Cuyahoga County Public Library
What’s happened since the Marseille Hackfest 2024?
A quick look at what happened at the Hackfest in Marseille 2024 for those who missed it and an update of what we’ve achieved since against the goals we set.
1:30 PM
Martin Renvoize
Head of Development and Community Engagement, PTFS Europe
Andrew Auld
Commercial Director,
PTFS Europe
Koha funding and foundation
We will be giving a short update on the OLF foundation, the voting results, and setting us all up for a community workshop on Thursday morning for the next steps in the process.
The presentation will be in both French and English.
1:45 PM
Brendan Gallagher
CEO, ByWater Solutions
Jonathan Field
Managing Director, PTFS Europe Limited
Paul Poulain
CEO, BibLibre
KohaLa: how a user group can help improve Koha
Presentation of KohaLa, its working groups, and the developments financed by the association.
(Presentation in French)
2 PM
Sonia Bouis
Document technology manager, Université Lyon 3
$(‘.patron’).focus() : Patron-centric Koha Customization
Patron Focus is one of the guiding values of the SEKnFind shared catalog. This session will share customization work we’ve undertaken using JavaScript, CSS, and HTML to improve the patron experience both internally via the staff client and externally via the OPAC. Strategies for focusing in on projects that put the patron first, and the limitations of customization will also be discussed.
2:30 PM
Jason Robb
SEKnFind Coordinator, Southeast Kansas Library System
Salle polyvalente
Coffee Break
Coffee, refreshments, and snacks
Socializing and networking
3 PM
Ilsas+ Project: Deployment of Koha in 20 Greek universities
Libraries of twenty Greek public universities are currently being migrated to Koha. The implementation architecture includes a central Koha instance (Collective Catalogue) and local Koha instances (Local Catalogues) for each university library, which communicate via an innovative synchronization mechanism.
Bibliographic records and authorities are synchronized from the collective catalogue to the local catalogues, ensuring that the most up-to-date information is always available. Simultaneously, information on documents from local libraries is automatically carried over to the central catalogue. The overall implementation plan ensures a smooth transition and minimal disruption during the migration process.
The European Union is funding the project under the “Digital Transformation Programme 2021-2027”. The University of Western Attica and the National Technical University of Athens are responsible for the overall coordination of the project on behalf of Hellenic Academic Libraries Link. Dataly Tech ( and BibLibre ( were selected after an open international competition to implement the project.
(Presentation in French)
3:30 PM
Laurence Rault
Head of development, BibLibre
Matthias Meusburger
Developer, BibLibre
How to kill a bug
So you found a bug in Koha? This presentation will show you that absolutely nothing can go wrong reporting it to the community. We will be looking into Koha’s QA process that requires teamwork and communication, encourages looking at things from different perspectives and transfer of knowledge. We will talk about the different bug status and how to figure out which version your bug might have been killed in. Anything else you have always wondered about? Let’s talk about bugs!
4 PM
Katrin Fischer
IT coordinator,
Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum Baden-Württemberg (BSZ BW)
Saving the most cows: QA in the Koha Community
A talk about some methods and practices for QA in the community that I have found useful, and an introduction to the MoStCoWs method for QA, adapted from the Moscow method for project management.
4:30 PM
Nick Clemens
Head of development, ByWater Solutions
Salle polyvalente
Registration and morning coffee
Coffee, refreshments, and snacks
Socializing and networking
8 AM
Sharing the Love: A Deep Dive into Rotating Collections
The sharing of materials among libraries is critical to achieving our shared mission of providing patrons with access to a wide variety of resources and information. This has a particularly significant impact on smaller communities and those with limited funding. We would like to discuss three of the features present in Koha that facilitate materials sharing among libraries: Floating Collections in Circulation, the Rotating Collections Tool, and the Stock Rotation Module. This presentation aims to cover functionality and setup, example use cases, known issues (important bugs, etc.), and the path forward for each of the three with particular attention paid to the Stock Rotation module.
9 AM
Heather Rommens
Educator, ByWater Solutions
Martin Renvoize
Head of Development and Community Engagement, PTFS Europe
Growth and Implementation of Koha’s ILL Module
Sharing knowledge is a core part of libraries and inter library loans are a large part of that. We’ll discuss the Koha ILL module, some recent improvements, how some of those improvements were implemented by the INN-Reach ILL plugin, and future bugs that may be of interest for the ILL module.
9:30 AM
Lisette Scheer
Koha Development Support, ByWater Solutions
Tomás Cohen Arazi
Koha Development
Salle polyvalente
Coffee Break
Coffee, refreshments, and snacks
Socializing and networking
10 AM
SIP vs NCIP – Old school or new tool?
This presentation will survey the capabilities, pros and cons of SIP and NCIP, two of the most popular library interchange protocols and the specifics of their implementations in Koha.
10:30 AM
Kyle Hall
Director of Development & Operations, ByWater Solutions
Reality vs the Search Index: All about reindexing, rebuilding, ghostbusting, and touching all
Indexing mismatches in Koha incite confusion when search results do not accurately reflect the reality of the catalogue. In this presentation, I’ll go over the common problems related to indexing, as well as solutions, from both the staff interface and command line, giving scrutiny to both Elastic and Zebra indices and their respective challenges. I’ll review community tools that are of particular use, and briefly touch on the touch_all scripts, where they are needed, and how they differ from reindexing.
11 AM
Valerie Burnett
Data and Migration Librarian, ByWater Solutions
The Consortia with Something for Everyone
The AspenCat Consortia features 159 libraries, including public, academic, school, special, prison, and mental health types of libraries. Thanks to the flexibility of Koha, each library has a custom environment tailored to their needs, coexisting together despite a wide range of customizations. This is accomplished through a creative use of the various settings Koha offers, and could only be done using Koha.
11:30 AM
Bob Bennhoff
AspenCat Services Manager, Colorado Library Consortium
Journeys Through Koha: Personal Stories and Professional Growth
Join us for an engaging panel where members of the Koha Community share their personal and professional journeys. Hear about their first contributions, the challenges they’ve overcome, and the lessons they’ve learned along the way. This discussion offers a unique insight into the impact of open-source collaboration on individual growth and the future of Koha.
1:30 PM
Aleisha Amohia
Technical Lead, Rōpū kohinga, Catalyst IT New Zealand
Marie-Luce Laflamme
Data Analyst and Front-Line Support, Solutions inLibro
Brendan Lawlor
Systems Manager, CLAMS (Cape Libraries Automated Materials Sharing)
Harmony in Education: Integration of an E-Learning Management System with Koha for a Seamless Educational Ecosystem
In this presentation, we will explore the dynamic interaction between library management and e-learning systems through the integration of an E-Learning Management System (LMS) with Koha. Our discussions will revolve around creating a comprehensive educational ecosystem that seamlessly connects resources, learning materials, course reservations, and sharing resources.
2:30 PM
Animut Mesfin
System Librarian and IT Expert, IPHCE
ULRI: Ukrainian Libraries help and post-war Restoration Initiative
Our goal is to help Ukrainian libraries to restore, from buildings to collections, but also IT infrastructure, after the war, and start serving Ukrainians to rebuild the future. We want to start preparing for this now.
We will unite and connect worldwide libraries and government organizations for this goal and now call you to join. Let us know how you can be helpful and what your ideas are, and follow us to receive our requests for action and our proposals, needs, and requirements. We need money, hands, and brains, so everyone is welcome to join please.
Among these, because our community consists of Perl and Koha enthusiasts, we tend to reorganize the IT part and help Ukrainian libraries switch to Koha countrywide, centralized, and with strong support from both Perl and Koha Communities. We also target to help Ukraine to grow Perl and Koha Open Source team to combine efforts with worldwide Community.
2:45 PM
Andrii Nugged
Salle polyvalente
Coffee Break
Coffee, refreshments, and snacks
Socializing and networking
3 PM
Koha – not your average library system
Since its conception, Koha has never been a traditional library system. After its release in 2000, when it became the first open source library system, one of the first installations of Koha was for cataloguing car manuals for a manufacturer in Detroit, USA. Koha has continued to push the boundaries on what a library system can do, what problems it can solve, and how different types of organisations can put it to use.
3:30 PM
Aleisha Amohia
Technical Lead, Rōpū kohinga, Catalyst IT New Zealand
Closing Keynote
4 PM
Sarah Legendre-Bilodeau
CEO, Videns Analytics

Closing address
4:45 PM
Eric Bégin
CEO, Solutions inLibro
Wednesday is the cultural day. Activities are planned to allow visitors to discover the host city. Some activities take place at the same time to offer options to suit different tastes, fitness levels and financial capacities.

Image: Montrealais CC BY-SA 3.0
Walking Tour: Mount Royal and the Challenges it Faces
This guided walk will help your group explore the multiple facets of Mount Royal, Montréal’s iconic mountain that unites nature and culture. This activity will highlight the many challenges involved in protecting the Mount Royal Heritage Site and the role of Les Amis de la montagne. Our expert guide will also raise participants’ awareness of issues related to nature and biodiversity conservation, urban planning, accessibility, and Montréal’s natural, built, historical and cultural heritage.
Note: This is a 3.5 km walk on forest footpaths with light inclines, done over 2 hours. There are some benches to rest, but as it is a guided hike, resting time is not guaranteed.
Meeting point: Maison Smith, 1260 Remembrance (map)
Price: 25$
Places are limited. Prior registration is required.
9:30 AM
11:30 AM

Image: BAnQ
Library Visit: BAnQ’s Grande bibliothèque
Founded in 2005, the Grande Bibliothèque aimed to be Montréal’s central library, as well as serving the entire population of the province. Over the past 20 years, the services offered by this central institution in Québec’s library world have greatly evolved. We’ll join a librarian from the library community services department, who will take us on a tour of the library and the national collection, and explain the various services offered by the Grande bibliothèque.
Note: According to the library’s website, the library building is wheelchair accessible.
As this activity takes place entirely indoors, it will be held rain or shine.
Meeting point: Hall of the library, 475, De Maisonneuve Blvd. (map)
Price: Free
Places are limited. Prior registration is required. A minimum of 8 participants is required for this activity to take place.
1 PM
2 PM

Microbrewery Hopping Along the Lachine Canal
Starting from the lively Notre-Dame street, visit the Marché Atwater, a public market in a historic Art Deco building. Then, stroll along the picturesque Lachine Canal and stop at microbreweries along the way to have a drink and chat with your colleagues. This is a self-paced walk, so feel free to skip some stops if you don’t want to do all of them. We will meet at the Marché des Éclusiers starting at 5 p.m. for a 5 à 7 (“happy hour”) with everyone.
Note: Those who are not visiting the Grande bibliothèque can have lunch at the Siboire microbrewery on Notre-Dame and start the experience early! Alternatively, have lunch at Marché Atwater where there are many options for all tastes.
Meeting point: a member of the organizing team will be at the Lionel-Groulx métro station at 2:30 p.m. to guide you, if necessary. Itinerary
2nd stop: Marché Atwater (map)
3rd stop: Memento! (map, menu)
4th stop: 4 Origines (map)
Final stop: Marché des Éclusiers (map, menu)
Note: This is a 5 km walk on paved roads and gravel footpaths. There are plenty of benches along the way to rest. It is also possible to rent a BIXI bike for the journey or a part of the journey (helmets are not provided). People with mobility issues can use the cycle path or parallel roads (Saint-Patrick, then rue de la Commune). The path and establishments have not been verified by the organizing team for universal accessibility.
Most places have non-alcoholic drink options and food. Please drink responsibly!
Price: Food and drinks at the various breweries
There are no limits on the number of participants.
2:30 PM
5 PM +

Image: Caroline Cyr La Rose
Ride in the Grande Roue de Montréal
Join us for an unforgettable ride on La Grande Roue de Montréal, the largest observation wheel in Canada. Rising 60 meters above the ground, this iconic Ferris wheel offers breathtaking, 360-degree panoramic views of the city. As we ascend, you’ll be able to take in the beauty of Old Montréal, the bustling downtown skyline, the majestic Mount Royal, and the serene waters of the St. Lawrence River. You’ll also spot the picturesque islands of Sainte-Hélène and Notre-Dame, among other sights.
This activity will take place rain or shine, but may be cancelled in the event of a severe thunderstorm.
Note: According to the Grande Roue’s website, the gondolas are fully wheelchair accessible.
Meeting point: La Grande Roue de Montréal, 362 De la Commune St. East (map)
Price: 31.62$
Each participant will need to purchase their ticket either online here or directly at the ticket booth on-site.
There are no limits on the number of participants.
2:30 PM
3:30 PM

Image: Productions Feux Sacrés
Visit of the Sacred Fire Productions Cultural Center
Sacred Fire Productions is a non-profit Indigenous arts organization whose mission is to build bridges between Indigenous artists and audiences of all ages. Guided by the cultural center’s staff, we’ll visit the current exhibition (the exact show is still unknown, but will probably be a photography exhibition) and sample Inuit teas.
The cultural center’s shop will also be open to us, where we can buy souvenirs or works by the artists.
Note: Please note that there is a step at the entrance to the cultural space, so it is not accessible to wheelchair users. A ramp is planned, but will probably not be built by the time of our visit.
This activity will take place rain or shine. In case of rain, please bring your raincoat or umbrella for the trip to the building housing the exhibition and boutique.
Meeting point: Sacred Fire Productions, 130 St. Pierre St. (map)
Price: Free
There are no limits on the number of participants.
4 PM
5 PM

“5 à 7” at the Marché des Éclusiers
A “5 à 7” is a social gathering for drinks and food that lasts from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. or later (a sort of “happy hour”). Everyone is welcome to join. Those who do the brewery hop will finish here and those who don’t do the hop can join in starting at 5 p.m.
Meeting point: Marché des Éclusiers, 400, De la Commune St. West (map)
Please drink responsibly!
Price: Food and drinks
There are no limits on the number of participants, however, registration is appreciated for the reservation.
5 PM
7 PM +
Hackfest days take place in the Goethe-Institut Montréal, at 1626 St. Laurent Blvd.
Three classrooms, as well as the library and café area are reserved for KohaCon activities.
Room 1
Koha in the Open Library Foundation (OLF)
In June 2024 the Koha Community voted in favour of a proposal to move the Koha open source project into the Open Library Foundation (OLF). The practical steps to make this happen are in motion but there are key decisions for the Koha Community to make about what kind of a structure we want to have for governance, roles and responsibilities, management of finances and resources, setting of project priorities, fundraising and making the most of the benefits of being part of the OLF.
Following a presentation on Monday 23 September by Brendan Gallagher giving a status update to the community, and outlining the next steps, this workshop is for all of those interested in getting some of these tasks done and potentially volunteering for short and longer term roles in what will become the Community’s new governance structure.
- What is the shape and purpose of a new Koha Community foundation board/committee?
- Do we have sub-committees and what for?
- What current resources are there in the community (people and hardware/tools) and how do we bring them under our new foundation structure?
- Are there temporary roles while we get this going? Who’s volunteering?
- How soon, and how do we start fundraising?
9 AM
Andrew Auld
Jonathan Field
Brendan Gallagher
Room 2
5 Minutes, No Tech Skills: Be a Koha Translation Superhero!
Join us for a hands-on workshop where we’ll guide you through the simple steps of manual translation for Koha. Discover just how easy it is for anyone, regardless of technical skill level, to make a meaningful contribution to enhancing the Koha manual.
9 AM
Marie-Luce Laflamme
Room 3
Work on bugs, patches, enhancements, etc.
9 AM
Room 1
Tips and Tricks from some old hat Koha developers
An interactive session where we share each other’s secrets to Koha development, testing and quality assurance.
I want to use this opportunity to highlighting some hidden tools of the trade and techniques that I’ve been using over the years and also those I’ve learnt more recently.
1:30 PM
Martin Renvoize
Room 2
Bugs – how to file them, how to test them
This workshop is for everyone who wants to learn more about how to contribute to Koha and will start with the basics. We will be taking a closer look at Bugzilla and how filing new bugs and communicating about bugs works there. Sandboxes allow you a sneak preview of new and upcoming features and they can also be used to test patches and sign-off on them. They don’t require any local installation and are fully web-based, so this is where we will be headed next. We will be doing a lot of things together, but bring your laptop and you will be able to start testing bugs yourself right away!
1:30 PM
Katrin Fischer
Room 3
Work on bugs, patches, enhancements, etc.
1:30 PM
Room 1
Care and feeding of your Koha testing docker
Talk about good processes for keeping your KTD up to date and troubleshoot problems users may have encountered.
9 AM
Nick Clemens
Room 2
Usage and configuration of notifications in Koha
Learn how to edit notifications in Koha, customize messages for your users, and use both possible syntaxes (<< >> and Template Toolkit [% %]). This hands-on workshop will help you improve communication with your users by tailoring notifications to your specific needs.
(Workshop in French)
9 AM
Sophie Meynieux
Room 3
Work on bugs, patches, enhancements, etc.
9 AM
Room 1
ILL Workshop
We will take the opportunity of being together at Kohacon to move some of the many ILL bugs forwards with a focussed effort. We’d also like to discuss the overall direction of travel for ILL in Koha, taking into account the needs for integrations with providers and aggregators and looking at Koha as a borrowing and a lending system in the ILL exchange, in the context of ISO18626.
1:30 PM
Andrew Auld
Room 2
Work on bugs, patches, enhancements, etc.
1:30 PM
Room 3
Work on bugs, patches, enhancements, etc.
1:30 PM
Day trip to Québec City
This activity takes place alongside KohaCon for those arriving before the start of the event. Québec City is a three-hour drive from Montréal, and Old Québec is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. We’ll travel to Québec City in the morning, visit the Maison de la Littérature, a literary landmark in the city, and then tour Old Québec at our leisure. We’ll return the same day.
8 a.m. – Departure from Montréal.
Meeting point: 200 Sherbrooke Street West (map)
11 a.m. to 11:20 a.m. – Arrival at Québec City.
- Visit of the Maison de la Littérature
- Free time to visit Old Québec (activity suggestions to come).
5:30 p.m. – Departure from Québec City.
Meeting point: To be determined on site (depending on parking).
This trip will take place on Sunday, September 22, before the start of KohaCon, rain or shine. In case of rain, bring your raincoat or umbrella.
Price: The cost of this activity depends on the number of people registered and the type of vehicle needed to accommodate everyone.
8 AM
9 PM