June Updates and Reminders

Summer has truly arrived in Montreal. We've already experienced heatwave-worthy temperatures, citizens and tourists are flocking to parks and patios, and the many festivals Montreal is known for are in full swing throughout the city. There are only about a hundred...

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Registration now open!

We are excited to announce that registration for KohaCon24 is now open! While the event itself is free to attend, we highly recommend registering in advance. This will allow us to prepare your name badge, estimate the number of attendees each day, and ensure we have...

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Join the conversation

The community has adopted a 21st-century chat platform to replace the good old IRC channel. The chosen platform is Mattermost, an open-source equivalent of Slack. Everyone who works with Koha is invited to join the conversation. Even if you're not comfortable...

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Preliminary program available

We would like to warmly thank everyone who volunteered to give a presentation, lead a discussion, or conduct a workshop at KohaCon. Without you, the program wouldn't be as impressive as it’s turning out to be and we are delighted with the diversity of topics...

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March Updates and Reminders

Only 7 months left until our big annual event!Reminder: Call for Presentations The call for presentations has been open since the beginning of January, and we've already received several interesting proposals. Don't miss this opportunity to share your ideas and...

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February Updates and Reminders

As we gear up for the much-anticipated Kohacon24, we have some important updates and reminders to share with you.Call for Speakers The call for presentations has been open since early January, and we're thrilled to see the engaging proposals coming in. Don't miss the...

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