As the event gets closer and things become more concrete, we start thinking about what needs to be done during the conference. Here are the tasks for which we need volunteers.

Time keeper

  • Keep the time for the presentations
  • Alert the presenter or presenters when they have 10 minutes left, then 5, then one minute, and finally when their time is up.


  • Give participants their name badge
  • Create name badges for last-minute registrations
  • Give basic directions to the conference amphitheatre, break room, and washrooms
  • Redirect more complex questions to the organizing team, if necessary
  • French/English bilingualism necessary

Snack manager

  • Ensure there are snacks and drinks on the snacks table at break time
  • Refill the coffee pitchers
  • Manage the queue

Microphone handler

  • Pass the wireless microphone around during the question periods

Presenter manager

  • Make sure the next presenters are ready to go on the stage
  • French/English bilingualism necessary

Online liaison (English channel)

  • Monitor the chatter on the online platform
  • Ask questions for the online participants during the question periods

Online liaison (French channel)

  • Monitor the chatter on the online platform
  • Ask questions for the online participants during the question periods

Button maker

  • Operate the button-maker machine to create participation badges

The organizing team members will be available to support the volunteers during the whole conference. All volunteers will get a free t-shirt!

If you are willing to help with any of these tasks, please contact us at with your name, which role you would like and on which day (Monday and/or Tuesday), and your t-shirt size.