Our Montréal Favourites

The organizing team has come together to share our favourite Montréal spots, from well-known haunts to hidden gems scattered across the city. When I (Caroline) asked each team member to pick just three of their top places, it turned out to be quite the challenge—most...

A proudly québécois logo

KohaCon24’s logo is inspired by the Québec flag, the fleurdelisé. The flag “azure with a silver cross quartered with four fleurs-de-lys of the same” was adopted in 1948. It has since become the symbol of the Québec nation and the fleur-de-lys has...

Montréal BINGO!

We’ve created a bingo card for you and your travel companions as a fun way to explore the city. It features some of Montréal’s iconic landmarks, common wildlife and objects, and a few harder-to-find items to keep things exciting! Feel free to use the bingo card...

Call for volunteers

As the event gets closer and things become more concrete, we start thinking about what needs to be done during the conference. Here are the tasks for which we need volunteers. Time keeper Keep the time for the presentations Alert the presenter or presenters when they...

June Updates and Reminders

Summer has truly arrived in Montreal. We’ve already experienced heatwave-worthy temperatures, citizens and tourists are flocking to parks and patios, and the many festivals Montreal is known for are in full swing throughout the city. There are only about a...

Registration now open!

We are excited to announce that registration for KohaCon24 is now open! While the event itself is free to attend, we highly recommend registering in advance. This will allow us to prepare your name badge, estimate the number of attendees each day, and ensure we have...