The community has adopted a 21st-century chat platform to replace the good old IRC channel. The chosen platform is Mattermost, an open-source equivalent of Slack.

Everyone who works with Koha is invited to join the conversation. Even if you’re not comfortable participating right away, there’s no better way to learn a lot of details about how Koha works and its development than by reading the conversations. For now, the channels are mainly in English, with two exception – the Koha-DACH channel for German speakers, and the Koha-Francophone channel for French speakers.

There is a dedicated channel for KohaCon24. We post announcements there much more informally than through the website or newsletter. People are also invited to ask questions to the organizing team. It is also through this channel that social activities during the conference will be organized. From lunch plans to places for “5 à 7” (happy hour) and other activities, it will all be happening in the KohaCon24 channel!

We invite you to join the conversation at You will need to create an account to access it. It is possible to download the Mattermost client for desktop or mobile. When prompted, enter as the server address.