We’ve created a bingo card for you and your travel companions as a fun way to explore the city. It features some of Montréal’s iconic landmarks, common wildlife and objects, and a few harder-to-find items to keep things exciting! Feel free to use the bingo card however you like: you can print it out or save the image on your phone; circle or check off the things you spot, or take fun pictures or selfies with the items (but please don’t try to take a selfie with a squirrel!). You can aim for a classic bingo line, the four corners, complete the entire card, or just check off random items as you see them. It’s entirely up to you!

If you take pictures and are open to sharing them with the community, please post them in the KohaCon24 channel on Mattermost or share them on social media with the hashtag #kohacon24. We’d love to see what you discover!

There’s no prize for getting a bingo, other than bragging rights—so be sure to boast a little on Mattermost or social media if you do get one!—and, of course, the fun experiences you’ll have while exploring Montréal.

If you need help finding the items, feel free to ask the organizing committee or do a quick search online.

French version

Montréal Bingo Card in French, left to right top to bottom, items are Enseigne Five Roses, Pigeon Biset, Croix du Mont-Royal, Pont Jacques-Cartier, Métropolitain Parisien, Université de Montréal, Biosphère, Murale Leonard Cohen, Métro, Stade Olympique, Bagel, Canadiens de Montréal, Cône Orange, Lac des Castors, L'Homme de Calder, Vue du  Belvédère Kondiaronk, Oratoire St-Joseph, Habitat 67, Palais des congrès, Écureuil gris, Ruelle Verte, Vélo Bixi, Dépanneur, GIbeau Orange Julep, and the Horloge Molson

English version

Montréal Bingo Card in English, left to right top to bottom, items are Five Roses Sign, Rock Pigeon, Mount-Royal Cross, Jacques-Cartier Bridge, Parisian Métropolitain, Université de Montréal, Biosphère, Leonard Cohen Mural, Métro, Olympic Stadium, Bagel, Montréal Canadiens, Orange Cone, Beaver Lake, Calder's Homme, View from the Kondiaronk Belvedere, St. Joseph Oratory, Habitat 67, Palais des congrès, Grey Squirrel, Ruelle Verte, Bixi Bike, Dépanneur, GIbeau Orange Julep, and the Molson Clock

UPDATE: If you plan on printing the bingo card, here’s a version without the background, that’s easier on the toner!

French version (white background)

Carte de bingo de Montréal en français, de gauche à droite de haut en bas, les éléments sont: l'enseigne Five Roses, un pigeon Biset, la Croix du Mont-Royal, le  pont Jacques-Cartier, le Métropolitain parisien, l'Université de Montréal, la Biosphère, la murale Leonard Cohen, le Métro, le stade olympique, un bagel, les Canadiens de Montréal, un cone orange, le Lac des castors, l'Homme de Calder, la vue du belvédère Kondiaronk, l'oratoire St-Joseph, Habitat 67, le Palais des congrès, un écureuil gris, une ruelle verte, un vélo Bixi, un dépanneur, l'orange Gibeau Orange Julep, et l'horloge Molson

English version (white background)

Montréal Bingo Card in English, left to right top to bottom, items are Five Roses Sign, Rock Pigeon, Mount-Royal Cross, Jacques-Cartier Bridge, Parisian Métropolitain, Université de Montréal, Biosphère, Leonard Cohen Mural, Métro, Olympic Stadium, Bagel, Montréal Canadiens, Orange Cone, Beaver Lake, Calder's Homme, View from the Kondiaronk Belvedere, St. Joseph Oratory, Habitat 67, Palais des congrès, Grey Squirrel, Ruelle Verte, Bixi Bike, Dépanneur, GIbeau Orange Julep, and the Molson Clock